Breastfeeding While Pregnant
Never in a million years did I anticipate I would be breastfeeding while pregnant. My mother breastfed my younger sisters and me and I always assumed I would do the same for my future babies. But I...
View ArticleNight Weaning a Toddler for Sleep Training
“Your baby doesn’t need to nurse at night anymore.” Has anyone ever told you that? How old was your child? A few months? A year? Older? I’m not going to advise when to night wean, because every family...
View ArticleThe End of Mommy’s Milk… Or Is It?
The End of Pumping As I’ve shared previously, having enough milk for baby has sometimes been challenging. I returned to work when she was 4-months-old and had to stay on top of things to pump enough...
View ArticleMy First Two Weeks of Nursing: Overcoming Unexpected Setbacks
I’m well into my third trimester and have been reminiscing about the birth of my first daughter. She shows no signs of weaning despite the pregnancy, and I may be heading into tandem nursing. I really...
View ArticleBreastfeeding in the Third Trimester
As I write this, I am currently 36 weeks pregnant. I wanted to provide an update on how it’s been breastfeeding in the third trimester. I promised in my first post on Breastfeeding While Pregnant that...
View ArticleTandem Nursing: After Two Months
Our new baby is here! I promise to share more about her surprising birth soon. My toddler is absolutely infatuated with her, as are we all. Big sister is also obsessed with nursing. Seeing her baby...
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